Muu nimi/muut nimet: ESPANYA AL DIA
Lajityyppi: Newsreel
Vuosi: 1937
Kuvaus: ESPANYA AL DIA [SPAIN TODAY], Laya Films newsreel produced during the Spanish Civil War made up of the following news reports: 1. A three second-long shot shows the figure, probably made of porcelain, of a solider holding a rifle. The figure turns so it can be viewed from different angles. The images correspond to the CERAMIQUES (sic) MODERNES report, shown as part of the "ESPANYA AL DIA. ART ET CULTURE. VALENCE. CERAMIQUES (sic) MODERNES". newsreel. 2. BARCELONE. ECOLE (sic) D'AGRICULTURE POUR LES REFUGIÉS (sic) Children from schools around Barcelona, under the instruction of their teachers, learn about plants and horticulture, planting seeds and watering. A sign reads 'Agricultural experimentation camp for a group of school children' 3. BARCELONE (MARESMA) (sic). CULTURE DE LA POMME DE TERRE Images of Maresme farmers harvesting potatoes, first using spades and then their hands. One of the farmers is seen drinking from a porron. 4. ELCHE. LA RÉCOLTE DES DATTES Images showing the harvesting of dates in Elche. A family of farmers enter an orchard. A man climbs a date palm tree using a grass belt and collects dates in a basket which, once full, he lowers down on a rope. A child catches it at the bottom and empties the dates into a larger basket. Images show an old man and two women at the same date palm, sorting the dates. The sun sets behind the orchard. 5. LA DUCHESSE DE ATHOLL REND VISITE AU PRESIDENT (sic) COMPANYS Katharine Stewart-Murray, Duchess of Atholl, accompanied by propaganda commissioner, Jaume Miravitlles, makes her way into the Palau de la Generalitat government building to visit the Government of Catalonia president, Lluís Companys. She is presented with a bouquet of roses and the pair ascend the steps of the Palau. The camera zooms in for a close-up of the duchess's face. 6. ALCOY. L'HOPITAL (sic) SUEDOIS (sic) EST INAUGURE (sic) EN PRÉSENCE DU MINISTRE DEL VAYO State minister, Julio Álvarez del Vayo, visits the hospital set up by the Swedish Red Cross in Alcoy. He is received by the Swedish Red Cross delegates surrounded by a crowd of people. The party make their way up the entrance steps and tour the hospital. Images of journalists covering the event. Images show Àlvarez del Vayo giving a speech in a large room, nurses and a Red Cross ambulance. 7. MADRID. L'ALTAVOZ DEL FRENTE Opening title and seven opening seconds of a report about the army loudspeaker trucks. The full report can be found in the newsreel: "ESPANYA AL DIA. ART ET CULTURE. VALENCE. CERAMIQUES (sic) MODERNES". newsreel. 8. TARDIENTA. NOUS TROUPES A (sic) SAINTE QUITERIA Soldiers amongst fortifications built under cover of some large irrigation pipes. The piece, which lasts a total of eight seconds, is included in the newsreel: 'ESPANYA AL DIA. ART AND CULTURE. VALENCIA. MODERN CERAMICS newsreel. 9. MADRID. LE NOUVEAU CONSEIL MUNICIPAL The new Madrid Municipal Council is formed as a branch of the City Council following its constitution. Director general of security, Wenceslao Carrillo, is among those dignitaries present.
Avainsanat: refugiats; patates; recol·lecció; dàtils; palmeres; visites oficials; relacions internacionals; hospitals; ambulàncies; governs; Stewart-Murray, Katharine Marjory; Miravitlles Navarra, Jaume; Álvarez del Vayo, Julio; Carrillo Alonso, Wenceslao; Creu Roja; / Elx; Alcoi; Tardienta; Madrid (ciutat); Madrid, ajuntament; Barcelona (ciutat); Sant Jaume, plaça de (Barcelona); Generalitat de Catalunya, palau de la; Maresme, El / Spanish Civil War documentary; Laya Films. Original newsreels; Propaganda film; agricultural schools; refugees; potatoes; harvesting; dates; palm trees; official visits; international relations; hospitals; ambulances; governments; Spanish Civil War;
Sisältölähde: Filmoteca de Catalunya
Oikeudet: In Copyright / Generalitat de Catalunya
Tuotantoyhtiö: Laya Films
Väri: Black & White
Sound: With sound
Kokoelma: Laya Films
Language: fr